Some canonical Exception types in Java

public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
//		Human a = new Human("Fred");
//		Animal b = a;
//		System.out.println(b);
//		Animal c = new Animal("Wanda");
//		// ClassCastException on line 9:
//		// Never cast a superclass object as its subclass
//		Human d = (Human) c;
//		System.out.println(c);
//		int[] nums = new int[4];
//		// Note: an array of numbers defaults to zeroes if not initialized
//		System.out.println(nums[3]);
//		// ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
//		System.out.println(nums[4]);
//		// Creates five null references; new needs to work with
//		// the parenthesis to be an operator that creates an object
//		Human[] humans = new Human[5];
//		// Human habib = new Human("Habib");
//		// humans[0] = habib;
//		System.out.println(humans[0]);
//		humans[0].eat();
//		// ArithmeticException
//		System.out.println(1/0);
//		double[] quad = quadratic(1,2,3);
//		// Intentionally throws an IllegalArgumentException if
//		// no real number solutions (see code in quadratic method)
//		System.out.println("{ " + quad[0] + ", " + quad[1] + " }");
	public static double discriminant(double a, double b, double c) {
		return b*b - 4*a*c;
	public static double[] quadratic(double a, double b, double c) {
		if (discriminant(a,b,c) < 0) { // Don't want to do Math.sqrt on negative number
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("\nNo real solutions for: \na = " + a + ", b = " + b + ", c = " + c);
		} else {
			double[] solution = new double[2];
			solution[0] = (-b - Math.sqrt(discriminant(a,b,c)))/(2 * a);
			solution[1] = (-b + Math.sqrt(discriminant(a,b,c)))/(2 * a);
			return solution;