
 * Created on Dec 1, 2004

 * Last update: June 24, 2010


import java.awt.Color;

import java.awt.Graphics;

public class Cell {

private int myX, myY; // x,y position on grid

private boolean myAlive; // alive (true) or dead (false)

private int myNeighbors; // count of neighbors with respect to x,y

private boolean myAliveNextTurn; // Used for state in next iteration

private Color myColor; // Based on alive/dead rules

private final Color DEFAULT_ALIVE = Color.ORANGE;

private final Color DEFAULT_DEAD = Color.GRAY;

public Cell(int x, int y) {

this(x, y, false, Color.GRAY);


public Cell(int row, int col, boolean alive, Color color) {

myAlive = alive;

myColor = color;

myX = col;

myY = row;


public boolean getAlive() {

return myAlive;


public int getX() {

return myX;


public int getY() {

return myY;


public Color getColor() {

return myColor;


public void setAlive(boolean alive) {

if (alive) {

setAlive(true, DEFAULT_ALIVE);

} else {

setAlive(false, DEFAULT_DEAD);



public void setAlive(boolean alive, Color color) {

myColor = color;

myAlive = alive;


public void setAliveNextTurn(boolean alive) {

myAliveNextTurn = alive;


public boolean getAliveNextTurn() {

return myAliveNextTurn;


public void setColor(Color color) {

myColor = color;


public int getNeighbors() {

return myNeighbors;


public void calcNeighbors(Cell[][] cell) {

// You write this


public void draw(int x_offset, int y_offset, int width, int height,

Graphics g) {

// I leave this understanding to the reader

int xleft = x_offset + 1 + (myX * (width + 1));

int xright = x_offset + width + (myX * (width + 1));

int ytop = y_offset + 1 + (myY * (height + 1));

int ybottom = y_offset + height + (myY * (height + 1));

Color temp = g.getColor();


g.fillRect(xleft, ytop, width, height);

