Animal Farm

Here is the Processing ZIP file. If you are using a Windows machine, please remember to extract the Animal_Farm folder before you do anything else.

Here is the stuff to do:

  1. Figure out how the program works and add a sheep. You can find the sheep images in the data folder. The Sheep tab is already in place for you to put a Sheep class.
  2. Go onto the internet and find images and add a Horse class. You can add a Horse tab. (There is a down arrow menu at the right of the tabs that will get the job done.)
  3. Add actual sounds so your farm will be loud and irritate your family. You will need to go to the Processing web site and read up on Processing libraries. The Sounds library is a good place to start. NOTE: Sketch menu --> Import Library --> Add Library is how you add libraries such as Sounds.
  4. Do something to make the different animal classes have different properties. Create some sort of method for a Cat or a Cow that makes it fundamentally different from the other animals.