1. Download the GridWorld ZIP file from the course home page.
   (The link is at the top of the page.)
2. Move the ZIP file somewhere convenient.
3. Double click on the files and extract the GridWorldCode folder.
   It should be somewhere that is NOT in the workspace folder.
4. In Eclipse, create a new Java project; DESELECT "Use default location"
   and click Browse to specify the GridWorldCode folder.  Click Finish.
5. Do Refactor --> Move and SELECT the "Use default location" to put
   GridWorld into the workspace folder.
6. To verify that things are working, open the GridWorldCode project,
   then projects/firstProject, then (default package) and run
7A. If the grid comes up, then great!  You are good to go.
7B. If you get a JNI error, it probably has to do with your compiler.
   If you look at the project, you can see that the JRE System Library
   is Java SE 8.  You need a compiler that will take your code and
   convert it to Java SE 8 bytecode.  To do this:
        A. Right click on the project name. Then select
           Build Path --> Configure Build Path...
        B. Click on Java Compiler.
        C. Click the check box "Enable project specific settings".
        D. Set "Compiler compliance level" to 1.8.  (1.x prior to Java 9
           is the same thing as Java version x.  So 1.8 is Java 8.)

This should be all you need to do.  If it doesn't work, please check
with me or your peers or just delete the project and try again.