; Note the password variable added from the original
; make-account that is given in the book.

(define (make-account balance pwd)
  (define (withdraw amount)
    (if (> balance amount)
        (begin (set! balance (- balance amount))
        "Insufficient funds"))
  (define (deposit amount)
    (set! balance (+ balance amount))
  (define (dispatch m pass)
    (cond ((not (eq? pass pwd)) (error "WRONG PASSWORD")) 
          ((eq? m 'withdraw) withdraw)
          ((eq? m 'deposit) deposit)
          (else (error "Unknown request -- MAKE-ACCOUNT"

; (define paul-acc
;   (make-joint peter-acc 'open-sesame 'rosebud))
; Note: If the old password is incorrect, then the dispatch procedure in make-account
;   produces an error (see above).  If it doesn't produce an error, then the lambda,
;   below, is returned.  It takes a message and the new password and:
; *** Makes sure the new password is correct
; *** Uses the old account and old password to pass the message to get the job done
; Ain't Scheme grand?  Of course it is!

(define (make-joint existing-acc existing-pass new-pass) 
(existing-acc 'deposit existing-pass) ; will produce error if wrong existing-pass
(lambda (msg pass)
(cond ((eq? pass new-pass) (existing-acc msg existing-pass))
(else (error "WRONG PASSWORD"))))) ; Examples: > (define jaxon (make-account 1000 'hi)) > ((jaxon 'deposit 'hi) 70) 1070 > ((jaxon 'deposit 'him) 70) . WRONG PASSWORD > (define neil (make-joint jaxon 'hi 'there)) > ((neil 'withdraw 'there) 850) 220 > ((neil 'withdraw 'the) 10) . WRONG PASSWORD