Directions for installing Subversion (SVN):

1. Inside Eclipse, select Help --> Install New Software.
2. In the "Work with" field, use the drop down menu to select:
   "Galileo -"
3. Where it says "type filter text" in gray, enter "SVN" (without the quotes).
4. Under "Collaboration" select "SVN Team Provider (Incubation)" and click Finish.
5. Wait while it calculates requirements and dependencies (this will take a while).
6. Wait some more (it really may take a few minutes as you are downloading a large
7. Once the package has downloaded, click Finish.
8. When the dialog asks if you wish to restart Eclipse, go ahead and restart it.
9. Close the welcome window or show the Java perspective under the Window menu.

10. Much like how you create a new project, do
   New --> Other --> SVN --> Project from SVN
11. When the Install Connectors window pops up, select SVN Kit 1.3.0 and click Finish.
12. When the Install dialog pops up, just click Next.  And click the next Next.
13. Accept the license agreement and click Finish.  (Installation may take a minute.)
14. When prompted, restart Eclipse again.

15. Once Eclipse has restarted, once again do
   New --> Other --> SVN --> Project from SVN
16. When the Checkout from SVN dialog pops up, select "Create a new repository location"
   and click Next.
17. Under General --> URL, use the drop down menu to select
18. Under General --> Authentication, the username is the user's Google (or Gmail) account.
   The password is to be found by going to:
   (Log in and Google Code will present you with the password.)
   Copy and paste the password, check the "Save password" box, and click Next.
19. Click Browse...
20. Under Select Resource, select svn X --> trunk Y where X and Y are numbers and click OK.
21. Click Finish.
22. Again click Finish in the "Check Out As" dialog.


What is a staging area?  It is a place where code that is not in production is placed.
If the code is deemed stable, useful, and sufficiently complete, it will then be moved
into the production area.

23. Now test your setup.  Find the PSOC project that you just created and right click
   to create a new class.
24. Put a public static void main into the class and make it print something trivial.
25. Run the program.  (NOTE: If your compiler and JVM do not align, you will get errors. 
   If this happens, raise your hand.)
25. Right click on the file you just made and select Team --> Commit.
26. Edit the program and change what is being printed.  Run, save, and commit.
27. Right click on the file and do Team --> Show History.

You should now see the most recent version of the file you just worked on with an
asterisk by its version number and any older version without the asterisk.  If you
double-click on the older version, you can view the file. 

To revert to an older version...

28. Team --> Update Revision.
29. Click Revision.
30. Click Browse...
31. Select whichever version you want to revert to and click OK.
   Your file will now contain the code as of that version.