public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// A poker hand contains five cards
		final int NUM_CARDS = 5;
		// This creates an array of object references. It doesn't, however,
		// create any actual cards. In Java, an object is only created
		// with new and parentheses. Printing out the array shows that it
		// has no cards yet.
		Card[] cards = new Card[NUM_CARDS];
		// This is where the cards get created.  If it seems like a lot
		// of typing, them's the breaks.
		// Sample hand {SK, H3, DQ, S10, C4}
		cards[0] = new Card(new Suit("Spades"), new Rank("King"));
		cards[1] = new Card(new Suit("Hearts"), new Rank(3));
		cards[2] = new Card(new Suit("Diamonds"), new Rank("Queen"));
		cards[3] = new Card(new Suit("Spades"), new Rank(10));
		cards[4] = new Card(new Suit("Clubs"), new Rank(4));

		Hand h = new Hand(cards);
		System.out.println(h);	// Print out the hand
		System.out.println(h.getPokerValue()); // Print out its poker value