OS Notes:

This document is written with the Mac in mind. You will be installing Eclipse and the latest version of Java. On a Mac, Eclipse will go in the Applications folder; /Applications to be more precise. The equivalent directory on a PC is typically C:\Program Files. Any reference to /Applications on the Mac in these directions should be translated to C:\Program Files on a PC. (NOTE: I am aware that not everyone uses the C: drive on a PC for applications. If you have customized your PC to use an unconventional way of organizing your content, that's great! Just use your own setup instead of C:\Program Files when it comes to installation.)

I haven't tried installation with Linux; my guess is that if you are motivated enough to use Linux, you'll figure this out. If not and you have Linux on a laptop, bring it to me at school and we will try to help you with your installation.

Download the Java Development Kit from the Software folder.

Oracle asks you for personal information if you go to their web site and that turns out to be in violation of California Education Code. They aren't doing anything illegal; us demanding that you give them your information would be illegal. However, if you use the copies we have left on Schoology (which their FAQ says is quite legal for us to do), then you don't have to give away personal information.

Note that you will need two versions of Java to make things work. For Eclipse, you will version 11 or later of Java to get Eclipse to run. The version of Java we use for the AP materials is Java 8, so you need that as well.

JDK 23 (or whatever is latest) JDK, then Java 8 JDK, then Eclipse.

NOTE: If you have a Mac with an M1, M2, or M3 chip, then you want the aarch64 version; on an older Mac, you want the x64 version. If you're not sure which applies to your machine, click on the Apple icon in the very top left of your display and select "About This Mac". The information you seek will be the chip type.

  1. Download the JDK installation thingies appropriate for your computer from Schoology.
  2. Mutter incoherent things about legal issues regarding software, minor, school systems, and the state of California.
  3. Double-click on the JDK installation thingy to install it.
  4. When you are asked to accept some sort of license agreement, accept it.

Download Eclipse

  1. Go to https://www.eclipse.org/. (Note: If you have trouble doing a download because the stream seems to hang, you can get a the December, 2024 version from the Eclipse folder.
  2. Click the orange Download button.
  3. Select the architecture appropriate for your computer and do the download.
  4. You do NOT need to donate to Eclipse. You can if you want to, but don't feel compelled.
  5. Double-click the Eclipse Installer. ("eclipse-inst-mac64-1.dmg" will be in your Downloads folder if it doesn't show the Eclipse installer automatically after download.)
  6. Select Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.
  7. Accept all the licenses.
  8. If you are asked to accept certificates, accept.
  9. After the installation is complete, find the Eclipse application and move it into your Applications folder. This step isn't mandatory, but it's nice to have your applications in the Applications folder where you expect to find them.

Launch Eclipse

At the end of the installation, you should be given the option to launch Eclipse. If not, you can always go to the /Applications folder and double-click Eclipse.

If Eclipse opens, you should be good to go.