Sample BankAccount class

// Classes are factories for making virtual objects
// Classes have the following components:
// * Constructor(s), for making objects
// * Methods, for doing stuff
// * Fields, for storing and using information

public class BankAccount {
	// Four integer data types:
	//   byte:    8 bits (each bit is a 0 or 1)
	//   short:   16 bits
	//   int:     32 bits (default)
 	//   long:    64 bits (often useful)
	// Two floating point data types:
	//   float:  32 bits (don't think anyone uses this much)
	//   double: 64 bits (default; "double" is short for "double-precision")
	// There are two identical terms used to describe the variable
	// balance: field and instance variable.  The purpose of a field
	// is to store information in an object that persists after the
	// object is created.  In this case, balance is declared to be a
	// double, meaning a 64-bit piece of data that handles fractions.
	// This makes sense since a bank account balance has dollars and
	// cents (and can have fractional cents as well).
	private double balance;
	// This is a constructor for the BankAccount class.  Notice that
	// the data type being returned is BankAccount.  Note also that
	// we have two variables called balance in the constructor.  The
	// keyword this is used to distinguish between the field balance
	// and the formal parameter balance.  Eclipse is nice in that if
	// you click on one of the balance variables, it will highlight all
	// other instances of the same variable.  This is particularly useful
	// in seeing the effects of the keyword "this".
	// Note that parameters are temporary and go away after a constructor
	// or method is completed.  Fields persist.  Thus, the input to the
	// constructor, if it is to persist, must be stored in a field.
	public BankAccount(double balance) {
		this.balance = balance;
	// For deposit, withdraw, and printBalance, the code should mirror
	// real-world behavior.  If you access your bank account at an ATM,
	// what does that mean?
	// For deposit, you put money into your account, you get a receipt,
	// but you do not take money out of the account.  Nothing is being
	// returned; hence, deposit is made to be type void.
	public void deposit(double amount) {
		balance += amount;  // Same as commented line, below
//		balance = balance + amount;
		System.out.println("Your new balance is: " + balance);
	// Withdraw actually does put genuine money into your hands, so it
	// will return that amount of money.  Hence, withdraw is of type double.
	// If you try to withdraw more money than you have, you will get an 
	// error message and no money is returned.  If you do have enough
	// in your balance, you get that money and a receipt is printed.
	public double withdraw(double amount) {
		if (amount > balance) {
			System.out.println("Request denied!");
			return 0;
		} else {
			balance -= amount;
			System.out.println("Your new balance is: " + balance);
			return amount;
	// What should printBalance return?  No money, that's for sure.
	public void printBalance() { 
		System.out.println("Your account contains: " + balance); 