(Amazingly, this represents a mighty big chunk of what you need to know for the AP Computer Science A test. Most of the other stuff involves bugs and critters. You think I'm kidding, and I admit that I sort of am kidding, but mostly I'm not.)
Note that the content in RED is NOT being tested on the final.
DATA TYPES PRIMITIVE INTEGER (byte, short, int, long) FLOATING POINT (float, double) BOOLEAN (boolean) CHARACTER (char) ABSTRACT (everything else) STRINGS (String--this is NOT a primitive) MATHEMATICAL OPERATIONS MIXING/PROMOTING DATA TYPES (eg., adding a double to an int) CASTING DATA TYPES (i.e,, (double) x) LOGICAL OPERATORS (||, &&, !) STRING OPERATIONS charAt indexOf substring DATA ABSTRACTION CONSTRUCTORS ACCESSORS/SELECTORS MODIFIERS/MUTATORS INTERFACES Comparable Meanings of return values -1, 1, and 0 INHERITANCE KEYWORD extends KEYWORD implements OPERATOR PRECEDENCE (i.e., which comes first) *, /, +, -, %, =, ==, ++, --, etc. (not necessarily in order shown) LOOPS while for do { ... } while CONDITIONALS if/else if/else switch (don't need to know for final, but it exists...) ? : operator (also don't need to know for final) ARRAYS AND ARRAY-LIKE STRUCTURES ARRAYS (e.g., double[] testScores) MULTIDIMENSIONAL ARRAYS (e.g., boolean[][] isAlive) ARRAYLISTS (e.g., ArrayList<Object> a) RECURSION BASE CASE (test to determine when a recursive method should end) RECURSIVE CALL (function calling itself) ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS class public, private, protected (don't need to know protected for final) static import final SPECIAL METHODS public static void main(String[] args) in applications init() in JFrames (though you won't need to write JFrames on final) paint() in JFrames repaint()--used to invoke paint() in JFrames GUI TERMS EVENTS (clicks, keypresses, etc.) LISTENER (MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, ActionListener) (need to know what they do for final, but won't need to write code with them)