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Contact information:
Math Department phone: (650) 354-8247
Email: jpaley@pausd.org. I tend to be an email fiend. I typically check email at least twice per day.
BJC for PAUSD Teachers
CS course roadmap in the PAUSD
CS course roadmap at Gunn
Engineering Pathways at Gunn
Courses that I teach:
AP Computer Science
Programming Concepts [uses Scheme]
Intro Java
Back To School Night Presentation
Graphically Challenged Back To School Night Presentation (useful if you are unable to attend Back to School Night)
Courses that I have taught:
2009-2012: Animation Using Virtual Worlds [used BYOB, Snap!, and Alice]
2008-2009: Geometry
2006-2008: Algebra 1
2004-2006: Algebra 2
2002-2004: Geometry/Algebra 2A
2002-2003: Computer Math
If you plan on taking AP CS at Gunn, please read this
An introduction to computers with some sage advice
CoderDojo identifies lots of languages and places to start for beginners and more advanced programmers alike
Engineering roadmap and course descriptions
How to tell if you are in the right CS class
AP COMPUTER SCIENCE SUMMER HOMEWORK (Mandatory only if you have not taken Intro to Java)
Things I consider when writing a college recommendation
Jobs and enrollment data in Computer Science
Cool Student Projects
Gunn Chess Hall of Fame
Stuff Students Have Done
Class Policy (This is long, but comprehensive.)
Music That Is Good
The Gunn Daily Bulletin
The Inexplicable Gunn Bell Schedule
iARoC ROBOTICS CONTEST (different from GRT)
Other Other Stuff
Comicomatic by Margo Burns with art by my sister and GODLIKE WRITING BY ME can yield this:
Note that copying is NEVER okay on tests in any of my classes. However, it is okay to talk to your classmates about projects and homeworks even if they are not members of your work groups.
I wish to thank Brian Harvey from the University of California, Berkeley for his support and way cool class policy text. I also wish to thank Mike Clancy from the same university for his excellent suggestions and time in thinking about curriculum.
Note that the rules on copying are a bit different in the software business as opposed to say, in the classroom on homeworks and tests or in the "real world" in journalism. There are cases where copying is okay--and I literally mean copying--but always acknowledge the blood, sweat, and tears of those who did the work. Not only will you be adhering to copyright laws, but you would probably like others to do the same for your work. Before you copy, do look into what kind of legal issues there may be. There is a big difference between a copyleft and a copyright.
As a matter of etiquette--even if plagiarism were not an issue--acknowledgments should appear as a matter of course on web pages.