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Functional and Object-Oriented Programming
Textbooks: Simply Scheme, 2nd Edition by Brian Harvey and Matthew Wright; CS Awesome
8/14--8/16 | Showing Off Scheme; Functions | Chapters 1 and 2 | Install DrRacket; 1.1*, 1.2*, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.7 (note that the answer to 2.7 contains more than just basic arithmetic functions) Save your work someplace safe. We will be uploading work to Schoology next Monday. * OK, we're not really doing this problem. Download this folder of Scheme files and put it in your Racket folder (Mac: /Applications/Racket, PC: C:\Program Files\Racket) To load a file from the scheme folder into DrRacket (in this example, functions.scm), use: Mac: (load "/Applications/Racket/scheme/functions.scm") |
8/19--8/23 | Composition of Functions; Defining Your Own Functions | Chapters 3 and 4 |
Finish 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.7 (note that the answer to 2.7 contains more than just basic arithmetic functions) 3.1 (do the plumbing diagrams by hand, not on the computer), 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.9, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.8 (including the hotshots stuff), 4.10 |
8/26--8/30 | Words and Sentences | Chapter 5 | 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.9, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.16, 5.19, 5.21 |
9/3--9/6 |
Boolean Values (True and False), Variables |
Please make sure to read "Predicates" on pages 72--74, "Decisions, Decisions, Decisions" on pages 78--80 and "Let" on pages 94--97. |
Chapter 5 Not-Really-A-quiz An honestly useful and amusing video for problem 6.11 (h/t Rajeev Virmani) Problem 6.11 starter kit Notes on problem 6.14 Notes on problem 7.1 |
9/10--9/13 | Boolean Values (True and False), Variables |
Please make sure to read "Predicates" on pages 72--74, "Decisions, Decisions, Decisions" on pages 78--80 and "Let" on pages 94--97. |
Quiztestthing: Thursday 9/12 on chapters 4 and 5 An honestly useful and amusing video for problem 6.11 (h/t Rajeev Virmani) Finish 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, 6.11, 6.14, 7.1--7.4 Problem 6.11 starter kit Notes on problem 6.14 Notes on problem 7.1 |
9/16--9/20 | Higher-Order Functions | Chapter 8 | Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Project Solutions to valid-date? and describe-time problems 8.1, 8.3, 8.6, 8.7, 8.13, 8.14 Problem 8.6: Here is a listing of the military alphabet. Hint: making a helper function that takes a letter as its input and returns the appropriate military word might be helpful. |
9/23--9/27 | Higher-Order Functions | Chapter 8 |
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Project Quiztestthing: Tuesday, 9/24 through chapter 7 (let) Solutions to valid-date? and describe-time problems 8.1, 8.3, 8.6, 8.7, 8.13, 8.14 Problem 8.6: Here is a listing of the military alphabet. Hint: making a helper function that takes a letter as its input and returns the appropriate military word might be helpful. |
9/30--10/4 | Lambda | Chapter 9 This is a chapter with subsections that are essential. Starting with The Truth About Let, also read Name Conflicts, Named and Unnamed Functions, and Pitfalls. |
10/7--10/11 | Lambda | Chapter 9 This is a chapter with subsections that are essential. Starting with The Truth About Let, also read Name Conflicts, Named and Unnamed Functions, and Pitfalls. Higher-Order Functions and Intro to Lambda not-really-a-quiz |
Notes on the relprimes problem Quiztestthing: Thursday, 10/10 on Higher-Order Functions Solutions for problem 9.49.8, 9.10, 9.14, 9.15, 9.17 (this is not a short assignment; if you get stuck, PLEASE come and see me for help) Every and Lambda not-really-a-quiz accumulate not-really-a-quiz |
10/15--10/18 |
Bridge Project | Chapter 9 (Bridge Project) |
Portfolio assignment on Schoology (Movie Friday, Creating folder for RPSLS and uploading both RPSLS and Bridge Hands projects into the folder) [See Schoology for details] Bridge Project (all functions at the end of Chapter 9) (Be sure to use your time effectively in class.) Write a possible chapter 8/9/10 test problem. |
10/21--10/25 |
Introduction to Recursion | Chapter 11 | |
10/28--11/1 | Introduction to Recursion; Leap of Faith | Chapters 11 and 12 | 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5, 12.7, 12.12 Lecture notes for factorial Lecture notes for problem 11.2 (count-ums) |
11/4--11/8 |
How Recursion Works; Common Patterns in Recursive Procedures | Chapters 13 and 14 |
Solution to Bridge Hands Project 13.3, 13.4, 13.6, 14.2, 14.6, 14.7, 14.9, 14.10, 14.15 |
11/12--11/15 |
How Recursion Works; Common Patterns in Recursive Procedures | Chapters 13 and 14 |
Solution to Bridge Hands Project 13.3, 13.4, 13.6, 14.2, 14.6, 14.7, 14.9, 14.10, 14.15 |
11/18--11/22 | Advanced Recursion Extra Credit: Pattern Matching |
Chapter 15 |
Decimal to binary conversion. Use the first method and note that the binary result is produced by putting the last remainder first and working upward. 15.1--15.4; it is OK to use accumulate one time in problem 15.2 Here are some functions to help get you started on the Poker Hands ProjectHere is a solution to the project. Extra Credit: 16.2--5, 16.7, 16.9, 16.10, 16.15--16.21 (Chapter 16 stuff is time-consuming; there is a reason it is listed as extra credit and not part of the main homework) |
11/25--11/29 | THANKSGIVING |
Thank |
Give |
12/2--12/6 |
Poker Hands Project |
Solutions to poker helper functions Solutions to 14.7 (differences), 14.15 (merge), and 15.1 (toBinary) Here are some functions to help get you started on the Poker Hands Project | |
12/9--12/13 |
Extra credit: Mastermind Extra credit: Vectors |
Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 20 Chapter 23 |
NOTE: HARD DEADLINE ON EXTRA CREDIT SUBMISSION IS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13 AT 11:59PM. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE AND DEFINITELY DO NOT HAND IN EXTRA CREDIT LATE! 17.2, 17.4, 17.8, 17.9, 17.10, 17.12, 17.14 Practice Problems with recursion The All-Encompassing Review Problem Use Friday to wrap up all core homework. If you have completed that, use Friday to do extra credit problems. 18.1--4, 18.6 (If you do this, you are eligible for the extra credit possibilities, below) Mastermind can be written for substantial extra credit (4 points). You will need some of the stuff in Chapter 20 as that is where user input is discussed. Mastermind game due on Friday, December 13. No exceptions. Extra credit: 23.2, 23.3, 23.14 (complete the abstraction by writing make-matrix, matrix-ref, matrix-size (should return a list of the number of rows and number of columns), and matrix-set!), 23.13, 23.12 (this order of problems is the order in which I would choose to do them). Extra credit: Do the spreadsheet problems: 24.1, 24.2, 24.3, 25.1--25.12 |
12/16--12/20 |
Finals Week | FINAL EXAM |
The All-Encompassing Review Problem |
12/23--12/27 Winter Break |
EVEN MOAR SLEEP!!!*@#&(1/!! | |
12/30--1/3 Winter Break |
Installation instructions for Eclipse Download and install JDK 23, JDK 8, and Eclipse |
1/7--1/10 | Welcome Back | ||
1/13--1/17 | Data types, expressions, and casting | ||
1/21--1/24 | Objects (aka Abstract Data Types) |
Solution to the distance problem Objects: CS Awesome 2.1 through 2.5 (all problems) Strings: CS Awesome 2.6 and 2.7 (all problems) The Math class: CS Awesome 2.9 (all problems) Optional: Wrapper Integer and Double classes: CS Awesome 2.8 |
1/27--1/31 | Using Objects | CS Awesome Chapter 2 | Objects: CS Awesome 2.1 through 2.5 (all problems) Strings: CS Awesome 2.6 and 2.7 (all problems) The Math class: CS Awesome 2.9 (all problems) Optional: Wrapper Integer and Double classes: CS Awesome 2.8 |
2/3--2/7 | Booleans Expressions and If Statements | CS Awesome Chapter 3 | An explanation of the BankAccount problem; includes both Main and BankAccount classes Practice problems with Strings Some practice with the String class at codingbat.com Practice test solutions (Don't peek until you have tried the problems first!) |
2/10--2/12 | Loops (Iteration) |
Chapter 4 |
Do a squiral If you have finished the squiral, then look at the Nifties and find a CS1 or CS2 project to do for extra credit |
2/18--2/21 | Loops (Iteration) |
Chapter 4 | Midterm 1 retake during PRIME (if needed) Do a squiral If you have finished the squiral, then look at the Nifties and find a CS1 or CS2 project to do for extra credit |
2/24--2/28 | TBD | TBD |
CS Awesome 5.1--5.9 (NOTE: A lot of this will feel like review because we have created classes and used methods. 5.3 should be completely new.) |
3/3--3/6 | Writing Classes | Chapter 5 |
CS Awesome 5.1--5.9 (NOTE: A lot of this will feel like review because we have created classes and used methods. 5.3 should be completely new.) |
3/11--3/14 | Writing Classes and Arrays Poker Hands Project |
Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 Poker Hands Project |
Make sure the function getPokerValue() in the Hand class returns the correct thing. Here is a starter kit. Do the Stars and More Stars problems. |
3/17--3/21 | Writing Classes Pong |
Chapter 5 Pong |
Do the Stars and More Stars problems. CS Awesome 5.1--5.9 (NOTE: A lot of this will feel like review because we have created classes and used methods. 5.3 should be completely new.) Write Pong. Here is a Pong starter kit. |
3/24--3/28 |
Arrays | Chapter 6 | |
3/31--4/4 |
Arrays | Chapter 6 | |
4/14--4/18 | ArrayLists | CS Awesome Chapter 7 | |
4/21--4/25 | ArrayLists | CS Awesome Chapter 7 | |
4/28--5/2 | QTT on Day 2 on arrays CS Awesome Chapter 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 PP7.5 Magic square challenge problem Solution to the array review problems Solution to the magic square problem Find a Nifty for extra credit if you have CGoL done. | ||
5/5--5/9 | |||
5/12--5/16 | Conway's Game of Life | Conway's Game of Life | |
5/19--5/23 | Inheritance and Delegation |
5/27--5/30 | Inheritance and Delegation | ||
6/2--6/5 | Final Exam | THE FINAL EXAM (Chapters 1--9; everything through Inheritance and Delegation) |
Have a great summer! |
Readings are due each Monday. Homeworks and projects are due AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS on the following Monday unless it is a holiday. In that case they are due the first class period after the holiday.
Chapters 3 and 4 should be read and the programming problems for chapters 1 and 2 should be done by Monday, 8/20, so we can move forward promptly. Problems are always due the first day of class that week. (If you are focused during class, this is unlikely to be a problem.)
Unexcused late homework, projects, quizzes, and tests will be given a score of zero. If you expect to have problems meeting a deadline, I need to know about it in advance. Excuses after the fact will be given zero tolerance, barring a note signed by parents.