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AP Computer Science A

Resources for getting practice for the AP test
  • CS Awesome (interactive online textbook)
  • Coding Bat

  • Article that informs Stanford professors' policy on laptops

    Applied Computing Foundation Possible Summer Stuff/Internship

    Digital Citizenship Links

    2015 AP CS Free Response test (released)

    Brian Harvey explains abstraction

    Topics list for AP CS A

    Topics list for FOOP

    Ria Galanos's excellent AP CS resources page

    Skill and Drill Practice Problems Galore

    CodingBat problems (main web page)

  • AP CS problems
  • String problems


    Code Workout

    Java 8 API documentation

    xkcd explains functional programming (make sure to put the mouse over the cartoon)

    40 Key Computer Science Concepts Explained In Layman’s Terms

    AP COMPUTER SCIENCE SUMMER HOMEWORK (Mandatory only if you have not taken Functional and Object-Oriented Programming (FOOP))

    Installation instructions for DrRacket

    Installation instructions for Eclipse

    Stuff you must use in class

    AP CS resources

    USACO resources

    Miscellaneous Goodies

    Download Eclipse at home if you have yet to do so.

    Binary Search Trees


    Java Review

    None, Download and install DrRacket,Install Java and Eclipse

    Download and install DrRacket, Install Java and Eclipse;

    The Locker Problem

    What is free software and can you share it?

    The Damore Memo
    Prof. Cynthia Lee's Response (Lee)
    Four Scientists Respond (Quillette)
    Yonatan Zunger's Thoughts (Zunger)

    The flag problem
    Flag starter kit (USE THIS!)
    A picture of a star with minor trig labeling
    Notes from class regarding star trig

    8/19--8/23 Java Review Flag Problem
    8/26--8/30 Procedures and Processes SICP: Chapter 1.1


    Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures SICP: Chapter 1.2

    To do tracing, use this require command: (#%require racket/trace)

    As you read through this part of chapter 1 of SICP, you will be introduced to the term "order of growth". A nice rundown of examples of orders of growth can be found on Stack Overflow. I recommend working on the problems and then looking at the Stack Overflow content if you feel stuck or uncertain.

    1.8, 1.9, 1.14 (do 1.14 by hand on paper, show it to me, and move on), 1.16; for the math enthusiast, try 1.19 and try to explain how it works when you're done

    Some thoughts on recursive versus iterative processes.

    Recursive process versus iterative process lab

    Two to the millionth power. Because I felt like it.

    Wait But Why on AI


    Lists (Simply Scheme: Chapter 17)

    Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures

    Do Simply Scheme: Chapter 17 then go on to SICP: Chapter 1.3

    To do tracing, use this require command: (#%require racket/trace)

    Simply Scheme functions v. standard Scheme functions

    Simply Scheme: 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.8--17.12, 17.14

    Checkup #1 (A checkup is a problem or set of problems that are intended to help you gauge if you are doing well. If you can solve checkup problems, then you are on track for success on the next test.)

    Procedural abstraction examples

    1.30, 1.31 part (a) only, 1.32 (iterative process only), 1.33 (use odd numbers instead of prime numbers for part (a)); here is a working version of a GCD function you can cut and paste

    A hint for 1.31.

    Lecture notes on accumulate that may be helpful for problem 1.32

    9/16--9/20 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures Do Simply Scheme: Chapter 17 then finish SICP: Chapter 1.3

    To do tracing, use this require command: (#%require racket/trace)

    Simply Scheme: 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.8--17.12, 17.14

    Checkup #1 (A checkup is a problem or set of problems that are intended to help you gauge if you are doing well. If you can solve checkup problems, then you are on track for success on the next test.)

    Procedural abstraction examples

    1.30, 1.31 part (a) only, 1.32 (iterative process only), 1.33 (use odd numbers instead of prime numbers for part (a)); here is a working version of a GCD function you can cut and paste

    A hint for 1.31.

    Lecture notes on accumulate that may be helpful for problem 1.32

    9/23--9/27 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures TBD
    9/30--10/4 Data Abstraction

    SICP: Chapter 2 intro, SICP: Chapter 2.1

    SICP: 2.2.1, 2.2.2

    Tuesday/Wednesday: SICP Chapter 1 Midterm

    Jeopardy review game

    iReady survey

    Brian Harvey explains abstraction

    10/7--10/11 Data Abstraction SICP: Chapter 2.2.3 (skip all stuff after problem 2.35)

    2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9; (2.6 is interesting stuff, but not something you have to turn in.)

    A complex number abstraction


    Data Abstraction SICP: Chapter 2.2.3 (skip all stuff after problem 2.35)

    Old SCVAL Door Prize Problem

    2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9; (2.6 is interesting stuff, but not something you have to turn in.)


    Data Abstraction

    SICP: Chapter 2.2.3 (skip all stuff after problem 2.35)

    Lecture on Binary Search Trees (Day 3)

    10/28--11/1 Data Abstraction

    The complex number abstraction from class

    2.17, 2.18, 2.20, 2.21, 2.22, 2.23, 2.24, 2.25, 2.26, 2.27; Fun for math hotshots: 2.19


    Data Abstraction



    Rules for drawing box-and-pointer diagrams

    2.33 and 2.35 solutions

    Practice test (from 2012)

    Practice test (from 2012) solutions

    11/18--11/22 Modularity, Objects, and State

    SICP: Chapter 3.1

    Review problems for Midterm 2

    Solutions to the review problems for Midterm 2

    Tuesday: SICP Chapter 2 Midterm

    11/25--11/29 Modeling with Mutable Data



    Modeling with Mutable Data

    SICP: Chapter 3.3

    Data Structures (tables, queues)

    ChatGPT passes the AP CS A test

    3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8

    Parking Meter problems

    Write insert! for binary search trees


    Download Eclipse at home if you have yet to do so.


    CANCELED: Thursday/Friday: SICP Chapter 3 Midterm

    Solution to make-joint (problem 3.7)

    3.15, 3.16, 3.17, 3.22, delete! problem for tables

    3.22 message passing queue starter kit

    Box-and-pointer diagram with mutation warmup (includes solution)

    Parking Meter problems

    count-pairs (problem 3.17) starter kit

    Solution to count-pairs problem

    Solution to the queue problem (3.22)

    Solution to the table deletion problem

    Review content for chapter 3 test

    2012/2013 actual chapter 3 test

    2012/2013 actual chapter 3 test solutions

    Solution to insert! for binary search trees



    FINALS (12/16--12/20)

    You will be tested on the SICP stuff. To keep it less stressful, it will all be in Scheme.

    Jeopardy Review

    From lecture:

    Queue diagram (also in the book)
    Stack diagram (stacks not in the book)
    Table diagram (also in the book)

    Jeopardy Review





    Winter Break



    Winter Break
    1/8--1/17 (2 weeks)

    Interfaces and Polymorphism


    Useful functions


    The Brilliant Number problem

    More time to work on The Brilliant Number problem

    Solve Problem 1.16 (fast-expt) with a loop in Java as opposed to the iterative recursion function you wrote in Scheme back in August.

    Intro to the Comparable interface with some polymorphism

    Public, private, protected, and package-private

    The topics list for the FOOP final works well for AP CS, too.

    1/21--1/24 Interfaces and Polymorphism

    Solution to the Brilliant Numbers problem

    Solution to the Comparable interface Cow problem

    Do the mobile problem (2.29) in Java.
    Here is what a solution looks like in Scheme.
    Here is some code to get you started.

    Solution to the mobile problem in Java

    If you feel a need for additional information about superclasses, subclasses, inheritance, and delegation, this is good stuff: Chapter 9 in CS Awesome/Runestone

    1/27--1/31 Interfaces and Polymorphism

    Binary Search Trees


    Randp project (Do this before the Binary Search Tree project)

    Binary Search Tree project

    Binary Search Tree starter kit

    Solution to the Randp problem

    Solution to the Binary search tree problem


    Writing Code in a Larger System


    Apple vs. the FBI (Apple's story)

    2/18--2/21 Bubble, Insertion, and Selection sorts  
    2/24--2/28 Quicksort

    Find the median of an array of ints in average O(n) time by modifying quicksort

    3/3--3/6 Quicksort  


    Make sure you are good on the length, substring, indexOf, compareTo, and equals methods for String objects for the test

    Finish the median problem and Midterm 1 v2.0

    Solution to Midterm 1 v1.0

    3/17--3/21 Heapsort  

    Solution to the median problem

    A nice animation demonstrating heapsort from somoene at the University of San Francisco.

    Write heapsort. Note that the assignment says to sort an array of Comparables.

    An explanation of why building a heap is O(n). The explanation starts at about 37 minutes into the video in case you want to skip forward. The rest of the lecture is pretty good, so the tenacious student may want to watch the whole thing. Understanding the lecture depends on understanding mathematical series as well as a heapify method (heapify is what is called buildHeap in our solution). It's as clean an explanation as I have been able to find on the Internet.



    Why Java uses quicksort for primitive data types and mergesort for objects

    Nice animation for studying the behavior of mergesort

    Write mergesort in Java, once with arrays and once with ArrayLists. (Suggestion: use ArrayList<Integer> specifically). Here is the Scheme version of mergesort, which may make the ArrayList version much easier.

    Review materials for Midterm 2

    2012 sorting test

    2012 sorting test solution

    Test review problems (courtesy of Mr. Bautista)

    Solution to mergesort

    Stuff I would study to prepare for the sorting test


    MOAR PRACTICE solutions

    Mergesort problem to prepare for test

    Study this, it will make all the difference (h/t Drew Briggs)

    Runestone 11.1 Post Test

    Runestone 12.2 Practice Test


    4/14--4/18 The Month of Cram Cramalamadingdong

    Practice Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), straight from Runestone to you! (This is timed, so once you start, you are committed!)

    Thursday: Searching and Sorting Midterm

    The Histogram problem

    3Blue1Black: "But what is a GPT? Visual intro to Transformers | Chapter 5, Deep Learning"

    Topics list for AP CS A

    Topics list for FOOP (for comparison)

    Program hygiene

    Write toBinaryString() and toHexString() without using the Integer class.

    The Josephus problems are great review problems for practice with ArrayLists, Strings, and logarithms. Remember change of base to perform log2 arithmetic: log2N = Math.log(N)/Math.log(2). Look up the Math class in the Java 7 API if you want details.

    Last year's Final Exam: Set

    Runestone 12.4 Practice Test

    Brain Hacking (60 Minutes)

    The gross Superclass and Subclass problem

    The gross Superclass and Subclass problem solution explained

    The self-assessments may be helpful




    Practice Stuff TBD

    Brandon Horn's explanations of 2009 free response answers

    Even more practice tests


    2021 AP CS A Essential Resources

    Mock Exam

    Mock Exam Answer Key

    University of Washington AP CS A Review

    ArrayList practice

    CodingBat for String and array practice


    AP Computer Science Test, Wednesday, May 8 (afternoon)

    AP Computer Science Test, Wednesday, May 8 (afternoon)

    Make this program draw a chessboard with pieces as discussed in class

    Solution to Make this program draw a chessboard with pieces as discussed in class

    The Awesome Car Parking Problem

    Find the duplicate problem

    The Quadrant problem

    Regarding HashMaps (note the parts about load factor and capacity)


    Final Project

    Hacker's Delight (specifics TBD)

    Final Project

    Hacker's Delight (specifics TBD)

    Do the rainfall problem. It is to be done individually.

    Rainfall problem survey

    Important: Extra credit that is not submitted by Friday, 5/24 will not be given credit.

    Hacker's Delight (specifics TBD)

    5/19--5/23 Final Project

    Final Project


    5/27--5/30 Final Project

    Final Project


    6/2--6/5 Finals Week But We Don't Have Finals In This Class Have a great summer!
    5/27--5/30 Finals Week But We Don't Have Finals In This Class Have a great summer!
    5/27--5/30 Finals Week But We Don't Have Finals In This Class Have a great summer!
    5/27--5/30 Finals Week But We Don't Have Finals In This Class Have a great summer!
    5/27--5/30 Finals Week But We Don't Have Finals In This Class Have a great summer!
    5/27--5/30 Finals Week But We Don't Have Finals In This Class Have a great summer!

    Readings are due each Monday.  Homeworks and projects are due AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS on the following Monday unless it is a holiday. In that case they are due the first class period following the Monday.

    Example: The reading of  Abelson and Sussman chapter 1.1 and download of DrRacket is due on 8/28. Problems 1.1 through 1.6 in Abelson and Sussman are due on Monday 8/31.

    Unexcused late homework, projects, quizzes, and tests will be given a score of zero.  If you expect to have problems

    Unexcused late homework, projects, quizzes, and tests will be given a score of zero.  If you expect to have problems meeting a deadline, I need to know about it in advance.  Excuses after the fact will be given zero tolerance, barring a medical excuse signed by parents.